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Winter Baseball/Football Camp

Varsity Banquet @ Crystal Grand Banquets on Dec 9 (5pm)

Varsity Banquet

Lockport (#71) "Stayin' Alive" with a victory over Homewood-Flossmoor (#78) 36-32

Porters lose a thriller in 2OT to LWW 39-40

Porters (#64) fall to LWE (#3) 14-47

Porters (#58) fall to Naperville Central (#22) 21-31

a Porter (#54) homecoming loss to Naperville North (#48) 20-31

Porters (#63) defeat Waubonsie Valley (#89) 21-7

Lockport (#89) completes sweep of Neuqua Valley (#100) 41-14

Lockport (#93) stunned by Wheaton North (#46) in 21-22 nailbiter

Lockport (#128) defeats Plainfield North (#92) 28-21

iPad Donation to the LTHS Football Program

Nik & Ivy Fundraiser - 8 Aug 2024

Snap - Raise Fundraiser

Snap - Raise on August 13 (after practice) for ALL football programs.

Back-to-Back Spring 7on7 Champions!!

**10Q - ask a porter - 10Q **

Lockport Porters Football Boosters

The LTHS Porter Football Booster Club is comprised of a group of volunteer parents whose objective is to enhance the experience of our player’s participation in LTHS football. The goal of the Lockport Porter Football Boosters is to foster an environment that creates one of the
greatest and most memorable experiences of your player's life. We as parents create this environment through positive reinforcement of the players and the efforts of the coaches. In addition, we support
our program solely through fundraising activities. We can maximize our fundraising through various efforts (i.e., spirit wear, website sponsorship, concessions and membership drive, to name a few).

Winter Baseball & Football Camp


Varsity Schedule

8/30/2024 - Porters vs Plainfield North - W

9/6/2024 - Porters vs Wheaton North - L **Senior Night**

9/13/2024 - Porters @ Neuqua Valley - W

9/20/2024 - Porters @ Waubonsie Valley - W

9/27/2024 - Porters vs Naperville North - L **Homecoming**

10/4/2024 - Porters vs Naperville Central - L

10/11/2024 - Porters @ Lincoln-Way East - L

10/18/2024 - Porters vs Lincoln-Way West - L

10/25/2024 - Porters @ Homewood-Flossmoor - W


Best Band in the Land of Lincoln

Google Maps to LTHS Stadium

Directions to LTHS Porter Stadium

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LTHS Porters Football Boosters